Sunday, November 22, 2015

H.A.W.K. Run

Event No:    36
Event Title:  H.A.W.K. Run
Event Type: Run - Road
Category:    12 Kms - Open
Location:     Wisma Putra

Last event on the weekend in the B2B2B2B running - Two events on Saturday and two more events on Sunday, covering a total distance of around 32 Kms for the weekend.

The event took place in Wisma Putra - Taman Wawasan, Putrajaya, there were no delays in the flag off time, as announced it started exactly at 5:00 PM. I've reached the venue at around 4:55 PM and started hardly got time with my warm up and started my run with little warm up. 

The course was inside Taman Wawasan - Park, we need to do a loop of 4.2 Kms * 3 Times totaling to a distance of more to 12 Kms. There was a checkpoint to mark us for each loop. Ther were some issues with the checkpoint in the first wave happened in the morning and they are good to learn from their mistakes and rectified it for the second wave. 

Even though the event fee is RM 70, they couldn't manage to provide timing chips, quality number bibs, and isotonic at the start, checkpoints and finish line, which is a common thing runners expect when they pay a entry fee of RM 70. The bibs provided are small tags which needs to be stick around the wrist, which was not comfortable with few runners as they keep falling down.

The route was quite good with ascents and descents, one hill was crazy and have to do it three times as we ran the route in loops. Encountered rain in the last loop and I have stopped at a water station which is close to the finish line which is 1 Km from it, waited there for around 15 minutes and when the rain came down to little showers increased my pace to go thru the finish line.

Overall, enjoyed the event with mixed feelings. It was for the first time I was running in that park.

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