Sunday, December 6, 2015

Forest Trail Run

Event No:    41
Event Title:  Forest Trail Run
Event Type: Run - Trail + Road
Category:    9 Kms - Open
Event Date: 6 Dec 2015
Location:     Taman Botani Kepong, FRIM

It was a challenge for me to find the location when I went to collect my race kit, Uber person take me to FRIM (I thought, the place is very near to it). We couldn't find it and then he decided to check with the administrative building and a lady there explained him on the way. We started back to the location and it did take quite a time to find it - at last we reached the place correctly. Asked my Uber person to wait so that I can go back home with him.

When I collected my race kit - not bad - I see a lot of goodies inside the race kit along with a beautiful Compressport Event Tee. Visited the stalls there and bought few gels and pre and post race recovery products. There was one more stall where they were selling SIS, I have never tried their products before - so, thought of giving it a try; took 5 Gels and 2 post recovery packs. I tried to remember the route back to home so that it would be easier for me to guide the driver on the race day.

I was pretty tired on Saturday - Participated in two events one in the morning (Roentgen Run - 8.3 Kms) and one at night (Ice Watch Light Up the Night Run - 10.5 Kms) by the time I reached home on Saturday it was almost 11:30 in the night. Had my bath and then went to have my dinner, if I skip it then it would be very difficult for me to take part in this event, by the time I tried to sleep it was almost 2:30 AM, just before going to sleep I have kept all my running gear ready; for the trail run I decided to run in my NB 1080 V5 instead of Adidas Boost.

Finally race day has come, got up at 6:00 AM and called for Grab Car (lucky to get one at that time of the day). Fully prepared for my 2nd Trail Run Event (First time in FRIM's). Reached the venue by 7:30 AM - this time I got the place right, no mishaps. Started with my body exercises before the run to make sure my muscles are relaxed and flexible enough to take on the trail.

Sharp 8:00 AM, as announced the flag off for the 9 KM category (Men & Veteran) happened. The first 600 - 800 Meters was a normal tar road and from there the actual trail was started. OMG it started straight away with a huge elevation, the maximum elevation we gained was 335 m. The up hill was so crazy and it was for about 2 Kms distance straight. I couldn't take it up more and started walking in the half way to finish climbing it (when I think of the 16 Kms category where they have to do the same loop twice - I can't imagine, luckily I haven't registered for that category).

Then we continued with the traditional FRIM route with few up's n down's through out the trail, the route had lots of pebbles and few places it was even muddy, there were two water stations in the route which served cool and refreshing 100 Plus along with mineral water, pretty well organized by the event organizer - no shortfall of the things. 

When I reached the 6 Kms mark, I tried the new gel (SIS) - I thought it would taste just like any other gel (Hammer, Powerbar) but to my surprise it was not. The taste of the gel is a little blunt and even it was no so sticky, it was more like a gel with more water base. However, it got dissolved into me very quickly and there was no need to take water after taking this gel unlike others.

The last 2.5 Kms was again a normal road which went thru a lake - nice and beautiful and the road finally leads to the finish line. People welcome with Drums and applause and there were cheers all around. I crossed the finish line in 1:14:11 with an average pace of 7:58 M/Km.

The 9 Kms finisher medal along with certificate was given after the finish line and it lead to the food station, where they served Soy Milk, Water, Banana, Water Melon & Malay Traditional Food Nasi Lemak, 100 Plus, Gardenia Bread and Cool Ice Milo. What else is needed after a tiresome trail run. 

Had a banana and few pieces of water melon and then stopped to stretch back my muscles, calf string, hamstrings, and other muscles to make them relax. Met few people and then followed with my routine of taking selfies.

Overall, the organizer did a wonderful job by arranging the event with all the specified things, event marshals were guiding us all thru the route, there were enough route directions, enough water stations and the best part lot of refreshments after the finish line.

I would like to thank the organizer for the wonderful event and definitely I'll take part in their next event in 2016.

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